Medical Office Dr. med. HENRIK THIELEN, M.D.


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The ear, nose, pharynx and larynx constitute a functional physiological unit that is the locus of most human infectious diseases. Since these organs are not just responsible for the faculties of hearing, balance, smell, taste and voice, and are also involved in respiration and digestion they extend the concerns of the otorhinolaryngologist (or ENT specialist) both to the trachea and bronchi as well as to the oesophagus, stomach, duodenum and gall bladder.


The ear

The most request diseases of the ear, especially in infancy, are glue ear, (mucotimpano) otitis media and the life-threatening mastoiditis. Defective hearing should be identified at the earliest possible age and there are modern methods for its treatment that can prevent lasting damage to linguistic or cognitive development. Similarly infants with protruding ears are best given plastic surgery at an early age. Adults, on the other hand, may become progressively harder of hearing or suffer tinnitus and even dizzy spells. A perfect therapy depends on good diagnostic means.


The nose

The nose is subject to frequent infections. A deviated nasal septum and turbinate bones that have become enlarged due to allergies or for other reasons, may lead to inflammations of the sinuses, respiratory or sleep disorders, as well as dryness of the mouth, headaches or snoring. Often the senses of smell and taste are also impaired.


The larynx and pharynx

When people complain of hoarseness, or difficulty in breathing or swallowing, we immediately examine their mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, trachea and bronchi in order to exclude the possibility of infection, gastric, reflux or a tumour.


The skin

The natural ageing of the skin is accelerated by exposure to sunlight. And laugh lines develop into the line wrinkles and discolourations of agents.


Diagnosis and treatment

Thanks to technological advanced, the ENT specialist can now use different kinds of light for diagnosis and treatment.




Used for examinations of the auditory canal, eardrum, middle ear, nose, mouth and skin.



Video endoscopy:


With the aid of a camera attached to a fibreglass tube the nose, pharynx, larynx and vocal cords can be examined painlessly in any doctor’s surgery without need for anaesthesia. Endoscopic examinations of the trachea, oesophagus and stomach are also easily performed with the entitle process filmed and displayed in real time on a VDU.

Ultrasounds scan:


Used to measure and examine lymph nodes the salivary and thyroid glands or swellings such as cysts that require targeted injections.




The most advanced hearing tests can be performed in our special sound-proofed booth that is also equipped with videocameras that make it easier to assess performance in balance tests. On the basis of these results we then get expert laboratories to create customised hearing aids for our patients.




New laser technologies allow for painless skin-tightening which is so effective that surgery is rarely required, though patients do have to avoid direct sunlight after this treatment.




Several prestigious private clinics in Rome including "Mater Dei", "Villa Carla", "Ars Medica", "Centro Diagnostico", the "Rome American Hospital" and the "European Hospital" provide us with surgical facilities and an expert team of anaesthetists whenever we need to perform either plastic surgery or classic ENT procedures including adenotomies, tonsillectomies, septoplasties, reductions of the nasal turbinates as well as microlaryngoscopies, oesophagoscopies, the surgery treatment of lymph nodes, salivary glands and scars, otoplactics and so on.


Other service:


We also perform tests on the faculties of smell and taste, inhalation and microwave treatment, allergy and food intolerance tests, blood tests, vaccinations, acupuncture etc.


We speek fluently the following languages:

italian english german french spanish